Do you have a camping trip coming up and your group is going on a hike? Here’s everything you’ll need to be safe and prepared for your wilderness walk.

Do you have a camping trip coming up and your group is going on a hike? Here’s everything you’ll need to be safe and prepared for your wilderness walk.
Via Alberta ParksAlberta’s got it all: big skies, golden prairies, the rugged badlands, and the rolling expanse of the Rockies (well, some of them, anyway). But where in this incredibly diverse province should you choose to visit on your next camping trip? Don’t worry; we know all about the best places to camp in Alberta (and beyond)—and we’re here to share our favourite spots with you. Read on and discover some of Wildrose Country’s most extraordinary places to pitch your tent.Via Road Trip AlbertaAthabasca A handful of small, rustic towns north of Edmonton but southeast of Slave Lake provide plenty of ameneties in the Athabasca region, while the land gives way to thick forests and majestic rivers. Campsites like River Meadows RV Park...
Camping is usually a safe and relaxing experience—but it never hurts to be prepared for an emergency when you’re miles away from civilization with iffy cellular service. Packing a few essential pieces of safety equipment on your next camping trip can help you avoid an unforeseen incident that could ruin your trip (or respond properly to one so its impact can be minimized).Below, we’ve compiled a list of the most vital pieces of safety gear you can bring on any camping trip. From wild animal deterrents to medical supplies and signaling devices, you’ll find everything you need here to go camping with complete confidence. Let’s get started! How to Choose Your Safety Equipment for Camping Before you buy safety equipment to take camping,...
Eating well is an integral part of enjoying (and surviving!) any extended trip to the great outdoors, but you’ll want to make sure you take the right cooking gear along. You might believe that all camping cookware is created equal, but that’s not quite true—some cooking tools are decidedly more equal than others, especially in certain situations. We’ve put together this list of essential camping cookware to help you take the right cookery on your next camping trip. Rely on our expertise to show you what qualities to look for in your cooking gear, and try out a few of our recommendations! What to Look for in Camping Cookware When you’re looking for camping cookware, there are a few key criteria you’ll want to prioritize so you can buy...
Your sleeping bag is just as vital as your tent for keeping you comfortable and safe while camping. Find the best sleeping bags for camping in Canada here.
The Canadian wilderness can be harsh, so choosing the right tent for your camping trip is essential. See the best tents for camping in Canada here.
Winter can seem like a more challenging time to go on a camping trip, but camping in the snow is entirely possible—in fact, it can even be a lot of fun! But if you’re planning to sleep outside in snowy weather, you’ll need to pack the right gear and take some safety precautions. Fortunately, we know all about how to camp comfortably in all conditions, and snow is no exception. Below, you’ll find our tips on how to successfully camp in the snow. Camping in the Snow: What Should You Expect? Snow presents unique challenges for campers. Here are a few factors you’ll want to consider: Wind: A gust or two can be irritating for campers in any season—but when the weather is snowy, wind can do more than blow your tent over. Wind can also blow...
Warm weather is finally on the way, and you probably can’t wait to get out to the mountains for that summer camping trip you’ve been planning. However, planning for the weather is important when camping in any season, and summer is no different. You might not have sub-zero temperatures to contend with this time around, but how can you stay cool if the weather turns too hot? We love to camp in all conditions, so we’re here to help you plan a no-sweat summer camping trip. With our advice, you’ll be able to chill out and stay cool no matter how drastically things heat up. 9 Quick Tricks to Cool Off On Your Next Summer Camping Trip 1. Bring a Hammock We don’t necessarily suggest replacing your tent with a hammock—after all, you’ll be left out...
With so many public places and businesses closing down or changing hours this year, this summer seems as good a time as any to learn to live off the land. Those of you who really want to rough it might even be interested in foraging for food on your next camping trip. The question is, can you do it safely? Foraging is something of a lost art these days, but it’s still entirely possible to find food in the wild as long as you have the proper knowledge and a few essential tools. Below, we’ll tell you more about foraging and give you the knowledge you’ll need to get started next time you head out to the woods. Is it Possible to Forage for Food While Camping? If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve seen at least one episode of...
Spring camping offers incredible experiences—the fresh scent of new flowers blooming, more baby animals to admire (at a safe distance), and way fewer insects to worry about than your typical summer trip. However, spring camping isn’t always guaranteed to be a walk in the park, so you’ll still need to pack and prepare for your trip responsibly. Below, we’ll cover the environmental conditions you should expect to face when camping in the spring and how to be ready for them. We’ll also include details about the best gear to take on a spring camping trip (and a few tips for setting up your campsite). Read on—adventure awaits! Spring Camping Weather: What Should You Expect? It’s tempting to pack for warm...
When you think about making food on a camping trip, you probably imagine cooking over a roaring fire. While the image of good friends eating hearty food around a firepit is iconic, there are also other ways to cook in the great outdoors — and it pays to know them, in case you can’t build a fire on your next adventure. For your convenience, we’ve assembled a list of the best ways to cook while camping. This guide will tell you when to use each of these methods and give you helpful advice on how to master them. Campfires: the Tried & True Method Campfires are the most popular way to cook in the wilderness, and they’re one of humanity’s oldest methods of meal prep — short of just tearing raw meat off the bone like an animal. We’re...
When you get cold at home, the solution is normally pretty easy. Just crank up the thermostat, run a warm bath, or throw on one of your many cozy sweaters! But what are you supposed to do when you’re on a camping trip far away from luxuries like central heating, hot water, and a full wardrobe — run laps around the tent? Look, we support exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle, but trust us: there are better ways. Chilling in the woods shouldn’t mean feeling chilly in the woods. Below, we’ve compiled some of the best tips and tools for keeping warm when you go camping. See also: The ultimate guide on what to bring camping. Keeping the Heat On (Yourself) Before we dive into the list, it’s important to note that not all of these strategies...
When it comes to camping, the gear you take along can make or break the experience. Pack right, and you’ll be ready for any adventure — whether you’re hitting the beach in British Columbia or alpine hiking in Alberta. Forget too many essential items, though, and you could literally find yourself up a creek without a paddle. Of course, remembering to pack everything you’ll need for your next trip into the wild can be tricky — so we’ve come to the rescue. Behold, our ultimate guide for what to bring along whenever you go camping! See also: What to bring when camping in the rain. Don’t Leave Home Without These Essential Items We’ve split this list up into two different sections. This first one deals with the stuff you absolutely can’t afford...
Ah, the great outdoors — a world of endless potential. Every year, we help thousands campers book campsites online, flock to campgrounds across the nation to find recreation, relaxation, and sometimes… rain. Unfortunately, inclement weather is a strong possibility in most of Canada’s gorgeous campgrounds, no matter where you go or what time of year you visit. Fortunately, though, a little rain doesn’t have to put a damper on your entire outing. With the right wet weather gear, you’ll be able to protect your sensitive items and shrug off all but the strongest storms. Of course, choosing the right camping gear for wet conditions isn’t always easy. There’s no shortage of products being marketed to would-be campers as essential items, and...
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