Plamondon Whitesands Resort
Summer may be in the rear-view mirror this year, but if you’re anything like us then you’re already planning next year’s first summer camping trip. That gives you plenty of time to organize the gear and supplies you’ll need before you head into the wilderness again, so you’ll definitely be able to stock up on some new items over the next few months. You’ll also want to brainstorm some new activities for your next warm-weather camping excursion, and our team is here to help. Below, you’ll find our list of fun things to do and essential equipment to bring on your next summer camping adventure.
Fun Things to Bring on Your Summer Camping Trip
Some activities can be performed without specific tools or toys—but not these. Don’t worry; we’ll get to the activities that don’t require any special gear later. But first, consider bringing some of these things along next time you go camping in summer.
Sleep in the Shade with a Hammock
One of the nicest things about camping in warm weather is the ability to sleep comfortably outside. Buy a hammock and hang it up between two trees to create a perfect place for catching some Zs without soaking up too many UV rays in the process. Hammocks also make ideal places to read, or just lounge in nice weather with a drink in hand!
Enjoy a Warm Wash with a Solar Shower
You don’t have to sacrifice all the comforts of home when you go camping. Solar showers use the sun’s rays to heat up water for your daily wash, providing you with a luxurious soak even when you’re “roughing it”. Let those bright summer days help keep you clean in style!
Have a Tubular Time with an Inflatable Kayak
Mountain rivers and lakes are at their most inviting during the year’s warmest months, and a watercraft you can inflate is much easier to pack than one you need to mount on top of a vehicle. When you buy an inflatable kayak, you’ll also save yourself the pain of portaging it to and from the water—although we strongly recommend pairing it with a bike pump or portable air compressor so you won’t have to blow it up with your mouth.

Use a Solar Fire Starter to Cook with the Power of the Summer Sun
When you’re camping in the darker portions of the year, you won’t always have the sun handy as a source of energy—but the summer offers many opportunities to make sunshine work for you. Case in point: this solar fire starter, which can save you money on fuel and make you feel like a rugged explorer whenever you’re getting ready to roast marshmallows.
Make a Margarita with a Hand-crank Blender
Thanks to some innovative party animal, crushed ice is no longer a luxury you can only find in the city. And what better way to enjoy a perfect summer day in the wilderness than by kicking back (maybe in that hammock from earlier) with a refreshing margarita or two (or three)? This hand-crank blender will provide you with all the crushed ice you need—no electrical outlet required.
Fun Things to Do on Your Summer Camping Trip
Of course, there are lots of ways to have fun on a summer camping adventure that don’t involve buying fancy new gear, and they’re equally worth your time. Try some of these activities that require little more than good weather and the right attitude:
Check Out the Night Sky by Stargazing
Summer nights often offer clear skies, so make the most of them! Staying up late and counting constellations is an excellent way to experience all the magic this season has to offer (for best results, bring along a star chart so you can tell what you’re looking at).

Turn the Lake Into a Playground with Water Balloon Dodgeball
This one’s great fun for kids and adults (c’mon, who doesn’t love a good water balloon fight?). Just make sure you’re using environmentally-friendly water balloons and cleaning up after yourself—it’s always best to leave nature as good or better than you found it.
Light Up Your Night with a Beach Bonfire
If you’re camping near a beach, building a bonfire can set the stage for an unforgettable evening. Just make sure that you’re following the law; most provinces have strict regulations about when and where bonfires can be held. Find out if you’ll need permits, secure them ahead of time, then pack your sticks and marshmallows!
Stay Active with a Game of Frisbee Golf
All you need for this simple and fun game is a frisbee, some open space, and nice enough weather to play in. The concept is pretty similar to regular golf: you set up “holes” using markers, then see how many throws it takes before you can get the frisbee to them!
Keep the Bugs Away with Natural Bug Bombs
Summer camping offers the nicest weather and the most daylight, but it can also come with plenty of pests. Instead of spraying insect repellent every few minutes and slapping yourself silly, have fun keeping unwanted critters away by taking some time to make bug bombs from sage, lavender, and other plants growing near your campsite! You can find an easy and effective recipe here.
Fill Your Next Summer Camping Trip with Fun
The clear skies, balmy temperatures, and long days of summer make it easy to enjoy your experience in the great outdoors. Use the suggestions above for inspiration, and feel free to contact us with any other summer camping ideas you want to share!
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