Most people go camping in the summer, but you shouldn’t let a little snow keep you away from exploring the wilderness! Winter camping can be just as rewarding—and it offers unique opportunities to enjoy yourself if you know how to take advantage of them.
We’ve put together a list of ways to make the most of your next winter camping trip, based on our experiences in the great outdoors. Find out what to bring and how to plan your days for an absolutely unforgettable cold-weather camping experience.
Fun Things to Bring on Your Next Winter Camping Trip
There are plenty of things you can do on a winter camping trip without much equipment, and we’ll cover those shortly. For now, though, consider investing in some of the gear below to make your winter camping trip dynamic and exciting.
Sink Your Teeth Into Ice Climbing
Frozen waterfalls don’t just look beautiful—they can also provide plenty of thrills for those of you daring (and skilled) enough to climb them. Be warned, though: you’ll want to buy climbing equipment if you don’t have it already, and we don’t recommend this activity for the inexperienced. Don’t worry, though; we’ve got plenty of less-intimidating activities coming up!
Cook Campfire Comfort Food In a Dutch Oven
Warm meals taste even better in cold weather, and you can make a whole range of delicious dinners and desserts when you buy a Dutch oven for your winter camping trip. Check out this list by Fresh Off the Grid to find some recipe inspiration.
Sleep in the Snow with a Winter Sleeping Bag
Sleeping in the tent is all well and good, but getting some shuteye with the winter sky directly overhead and waking up to a fresh layer of undisturbed snow can be deeply invigorating. Choose a sleeping bag that offers appropriate seasonal protection, then turn yourself into a human burrito.
Take a Walk Through the Wild with Snowshoes
Snowshoeing can be a surprisingly effective exercise as well as a wonderful way to enjoy walking through a winter wonderland. Find snowshoes for men, women, and kids so that every member of your family can enjoy this fun and easy winter camping activity.
Up Your Dessert Game with an Outdoor S’more Maker
S’mores taste even better on chilly winter nights, but you’ll want to spend less time making them and more time eating them in cooler temperatures. Use an outdoor s’more maker to streamline the process so you can enjoy these high-calorie camping delicacies faster and s’more easily.

Fun Things to Do on Your Winter Camping Trip
Don’t worry; you don’t need to break the bank on new gear to have a great time camping in Winter. The following activities require minimal investment, but offer maximum enjoyment.
Scour the Snow for Animal Tracks
There’s still plenty of wildlife around in winter, but you’re more likely to see animal tracks than animals themselves. Learning to recognize the different prints left by rabbits, raccoons, and other furry creatures can provide hours of entertainment on a cold-weather walk—just make sure not to disturb any habitats you find!
Build an Igloo
This skill is both fun and practical to learn if you camp in winter often. These snow fortresses offer surprisingly effective protection from the elements when done right, and are much easier to construct than you might think once you learn how to build them.
Visit a Hot Spring
There’s no such thing as a bad time to soak in a natural hot spring. That said, we especially love the contrast between warm hot-spring water on our bodies and cold winter air on our faces—so if you’re able to camp near a hot-spring this winter, we thoroughly recommend the experience!
Build a Snowperson
Little kids will love this one—but honestly, who doesn’t love this classic winter pastime? All you need is a carrot, some buttons, and maybe an old hat or scarf to give your creation a little personality of their own.
Have a Snowball Fight
We couldn’t resist putting this at the end of our list. After all, it’s practically impossible to see fresh snow and not want to throw it at your friends or family members—and where can you find fresher snow than in the wild? Grab a few handfuls and turn it into your own personal arsenal (just make sure to stay safe and check your snow for sticks and rocks before you start throwing!).

Make Winter Your Favourite Camping Season
Camping in the winter might be cold, but it also comes with the chance to have fun in ways other seasons don’t offer. Try our tips above to get the most out of your next winter camping trip, and please reach out to us if you have winter camping ideas of your own to share!
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